What happens during the session?
Reconnective Healing can be facilitated in-person or through distance. My client can be in the same room as me, or 3 miles away, 30, 300 or 3000 miles or 30,000 kilometers away. The effect and resulting outcome will be the same!
There are two ways I facilitate a Reconnective Healing Distance session. If you want to be aware of the session, we agree upon a specific time, where I spend 30 minutes with you in my consciousness, and the frequencies, giving them my attention (not my intention). Make sure you are in a quiet environment and that you can not be disturbed. Get into a comfortable position to lie down or sit and relax with your eyes closed. Let go for 30 minutes, while you simply notice and observe without judgment or intention; just giving the experience your attention. Allow for the healing to proceed. I call to confirm you are ready to begin, but do not remain on the phone. I call again at the end of the session and let the phone ring once, to let you know the session is complete. We then debrief later, if you’d like either via phone, WhatsApp or email.
Another way is for me to spend 30 minutes giving my attention to these frequencies and you, with you not knowing when that specific time is. This is often how I facilitate sessions when someone calls and requests that I do healing on a loved one or friend. You or the other person do not need to be lying down with your eyes closed. You carry on, doing whatever it is you are doing. The frequencies will not interfere with what you are doing, ie, working, skiing, driving, etc.
A healing session normally lasts about 30 - 35 minutes and you should allow 10 minutes before for an introduction and 10 minutes debriefing after the session.
A distant healing session is $165/€150.