The Personal Reconnection® utilizes the frequencies of Reconnective Healing, but is very precise and differs in its application. It is a focused formation, reconnecting the gridwork of your body to the ley lines of our planet, and Reconnecting these grids to the universal grid in all dimensions of time and space.
In your Personal Reconnection®, you are reconnecting to a timeless system of intelligence, your master vibration and your evolution. You are actively choosing to access all that you have learned throughout your lifetimes, in this dimension, and beyond. It is an ongoing process, and it will continue to unfold as you begin to make new choices on your life path, moving into your Life Progress. Many who have experienced their Personal Reconnection simply say, “Life is… easier”.
The Personal Reconnection® is facilitated in two separate sessions on two separate days. Your second session must be completed within approximately three days after the first session. Receiving your Personal Reconnection is a choice. Not everyone chooses to shift their life at this accelerated pace. The Personal Reconnection is facilitated once in a lifetime.
How Does The Reconnection® Work?
Many of us are familiar with the terms “meridians” or “acupuncture lines” acquainted with Chinese medicine. Originally, the meridian lines on our bodies were connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet. These grid lines were designed to continue out from our bodies and connect us to a vastly larger grid, tying us into the entire universe. Over time, we became disconnected from these lines. The Reconnection™ reunites us with this grid by bringing in “new” axiatonal lines that enable us to standardize unique vibratory levels and frequencies for healing, and ultimately, for our evolution. The structure of The Reconnection is comprised of over 100 energetic points and axiatonal lines, which Kristoff will activate during your Reconnection.
While Reconnective Healing can be done from a distance, The Reconnection® must be done in person.
How Will I Benefit from Receiving The Reconnection®?
Everyone’s experience is unique. However, similar to Reconnective Healing, there is a consistency of experiences reported among people who receive
The Reconnection®:
life seeming brighter, lighter and easier
more peaceful, at ease and calm when dealing with challenges
a sense of connection with one’s inner self
a heightened sense of intuition
access to more levels of information
greater ease in making decisions
increased confidence and strong sense of worthiness
feeling “solid”
internal happiness
less reactive and more creative
more authentic
greater clarity
a sense of inner knowingness
in touch with one’s life purpose
increased synchronicities
For some, changes are immediate. Other people report subtle changes that gradually deepen or unfold over time. Your experience will be unique to you, and will unfold in whatever ways are for your highest and greatest good.
About the personal Reconnection® session.
The Reconnection® is done once in a person’s lifetime and consists of two sessions, each lasting approximately 45 minutes and scheduled one to three days apart. Although it is possible to receive a healing during The Reconnection®, The Reconnection’s® specific purpose is to accelerate our spiritual evolution. One to three Reconnective Healing sessions are suggested prior to receiving your Reconnection®.
Individually, The Personal Reconnection® session, normally lasts about 45 minutes and you should allow 10 minutes before for an introduction and 10 minutes debriefing after the session.
The Reconnection sessions are $333/€333.